Monday, October 22, 2007


Last few days for workouts


Sorry I have not posted for the last few days. I been a bit busy. I took Thursday and Friday off since I was really sore and thought I would be at Dylan's Kettlebell Seminar on Saturday, however, my wife had other plans for me.

So here is Saturday's work out

Morning Jack Lalanne audio workout. That old man still kicks my ass.

3:30 of hard and fast Deashi berai (sp) this wil really work the core and break a sweat
3 Minute of hard knees
3 Minutes Kettle bell push press

3 Set of each
25 Push ups
25 Squats
25 Pull ups or Handstands

Now for the hard part, I can't really do these the way they should be done, but it is worth trying.
L-sit for two minutes
Plaunche for two minutes
Handstand for two minutes (I can do this)
Front Lever for two minutes

Do the best you can

Went hiking for about five miles.
Then I did a caporeia workout which I have done in the past, but I did slow
Do three sets of each

janga for 20 steps
Side lundges 20 steps
Front kicks 10 each legs low ans slow
Back kicks 10 each way low and slow

then do Bas Rutten Leg switch 10 each leag
then do Leg switch 20 both legs

Monday's work out
This morning I was sore, so I did a yoga for about 30 minutes then I had to get to work.

I ran for five miles when I got home. It took me along time 61:47 and it was a run walk. I feel like I am getting stronger, but I can't seem to keep the weight off. So for the next month I will be doing some long runs, added to my workout.

That is what I have been up to the last few days.

Train hard.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Wednesday Morning workout 10/17/07

Here you go guys,

Kettlebell Warm Up - 3sets x 15 reps two hand swings
Kettlebell Russian Twists 3 Set X 15 reps
Kettle bell Diagonal wood 3 Set 15 each side
4 sets x 6reps Kettlebell Clean, Squat, Press
4 Sets x 10 Reps leg lifts

Good workout, I was hurting


"All we need n life is Pride and Discipline"

Jack Lalanne

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Tuesday Workout


This morning workout is really all about the upper body. Enjoy

Warm up
25 Hindu Squats
25 Push ups
Max Pull up
25 hindu Squats
25 Push Ups
Max Pull Ups
25 Hindu Squats
25 Push ups
Max Pull ups

10 Pull ups
10 Burpees
10 Handstand Push ups
9 Pull ups
9 Burpees
9 Handstand Push ups
8 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
8 Handstand Push Ups
7 Pulls ups
7 Burpees
7 Handstand Push ups
6 Pull Ups
6 Burpees
6 Handsatnd Push ups
5 Same as above
4 Same as above
3 Same as above
2 Same as above
1 Same as above

this really hurt, but felt good at the end.

A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not broken


Sunday's workout

Here what I did for Sunday

three minute rounds

Rope climb
Kettle bells swings
Indian Clubs
Wood Chopping
Weighted Jump rope

Ended with some partner Yoga

Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


This morniging's workout 10/12/07


I am sorry for not posting any workout, in the last few weeks. I was on business travel and the only workouts was able to get done were the Bas Rutten thai boxing and chest expanders. This week, I just could not get off my butt. However, I am back and will be thrashing my self for the next few weeks to catch up.

Here is what I did this morning

20 two hand Kettllebell swings
60 russain twist
80 box Step ups
100 heavy bag jumps forward
100 heavy bag jumps backwards

I will get back on the horse, and keep posting.


“Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance.”
Robert Collier quotes

Monday, September 24, 2007


Workout of the day 20070924

Workout of the day

Here is what Justin and I ran through this morning:

2 Minutes Rope Climb
2 Minutes Trampling Jumping
2 Minutes Wood Chopping
2 Minutes Grappling bag lifts
2 Minutes Medicine Ball lifts
2 Minutes Kettlebell swing
10 Left
10 right
10 double hand
Until time runs out

We then wrapped up with 3 round each on the thai pads.

I did some light grappling at lunch today. Some pretty cool moves, we worked on a tie down with the gi, it was very nice.

Then we worked on the moving from the mount to the Ultimate hold down, to a side choke.

Last but not least we worked on counter to a sweep from the open guard.



Sunday, September 23, 2007



For those of you who read this, Justin took his 2nd Kyu test on Friday night, it was nothing less than awesome. He is getting stronger and better everday, at one time I though he broke my arm, but I was fine, just a big baby on my part. His throws were awesome, and I hope to get his test up on the web soon.

Here is today's workout

Here is a heads up, this is one of the hardest workout I have posted. The only thing you will need is a pull up bar, if you do not have one do Handstand push ups.

Squats X 20
Pull Ups X Max
Push Ups X 25
Squats X 20
Pull Ups X Max
Push Ups X 25
Squats X 20
Pull Ups X Max
Push Ups X 25

Bear crawl X 1 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Push Up Position X 2 Minutes (If you have to rest rest in Downward Facing Down)

Rest 2 Minutes

Bear Crawl X 2 minutes (Turn around by switching to a table position, then back to Bear crawl, if you have to rest rest in table position, do not let your butt touch the ground)

Rest 2 Minutes

Wall Chair X 2 Minutes

Burpees X 2 minutes ( Be sure and stretch yourself out on the jump)

As many sets as it takes to get 25 pull ups for the rest of the day.

Other Notes

I hung my climbing rope yesterday, it is not a easy as it was when I was a 17 -30 year old Jar head, I think gravity must have changed ;). Climbed it three times yesterday, but it was very hard.



Monday, September 10, 2007


This evening workout 20070910

After the thrasing I had this morning, I wanted to just work out the soreness and do some light cardio.

I did the Budokan Yoga program. This is a great yoga routine and gets your warmed up and feeling good.

I then did 2 minutes of wieghted jump rope X 2 sessions
Chest expanders two bands time 15 reps
Jump ropes X 75 jumps
Chest expanders two bands X 10 reps
Jump rope X 50 jumps
Chest expanders X 10 reps
Jump rope X 30 jumps
Chest expander X 10 reps
Jump rope X 30 jumps



This mornig workout Sep 10, 2007

2 Rounds:
15-25 Squats
10-15 Pull-Ups ( I did handstand pushups since my wife is asleep in room with my pull up bar, and I can’t do 15 pull ups right now anyway.)
10-15 pushups
Elevated Box Jumps
Kettle Bell Cleans 15 each hand 1 set
Kettle Bell swings 10 each hand
Kettle bells swings 10 two hands
Indian clubs
Ground drills
· Escape from mount
· Escape from guard

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